Realtor Registration Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
by and between Harbor Home Builders, LLC, with principal office at 411 Cross St., Unit 111, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 and:

Customer Information

For Realtor to maintain protection of this customer, this Registration Agreement must be completed and signed by Harbor Home Builders. Any changes to this Agreement must be attached, signed and dated by Harbor Home Builders and Realtor in order to be valid. Terms and Conditions: The Realtor must accompany the above-listed customer on the first visit to one of the model homes or to the Harbor Home Builders office in order to execute this registration. The customer must execute a sales contract within six months or this Agreement is null and void. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to protect the Realtor in the event the Customer returns alone and purchases. If the Customer returns with a different Realtor and purchases, the registering Realtor is not protected. If a dispute arises between outside Realtors, the commission will be placed into an escrow account until the matter is resolved by the outside Realtors, or if unsuccessful, then until a resolution is made by the prevailing authority.